Manuel A. Gómez Valdez
Profesor Titular y Decano Asociado de Posgrados y Asuntos Globales, Facultad de Derecho, Florida International University
Profesor Titular y Decano Asociado de Posgrados y Asuntos Globales, Facultad de Derecho, Florida International University.
Manuel A. Gómez is Associate Dean of International and Graduate Studies and Associate Professor of Law at Florida International University College of Law where he regularly teaches courses on Complex Litigation, International Arbitration, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Law and Society, and Introduction to International and Comparative Law, with emphasis on Latin America. Professor Gómez also has law teaching experience at other US universities such as Stanford and Iowa, and has been at numerous Latin American, European, and Asian universities, either as guest lecturer, speaker or visiting professor. Professor Gómez’s research and academic writing focuses on dispute resolution and governance, legal and institutional reform in Latin America, the globalization of the legal profession, and innovations in legal education. More specifically, professor Gómez studies the use of different dispute resolution mechanisms and fora in an array of contexts, ranging from transnational litigation and international arbitration, to domestic litigation and other non-institutionalized mechanisms. He is also an expert on institutional and legal reform in Latin America, and is also interested in the globalization of lawyers, the role of Judges, and innovations in legal education. Professor Gómez has also served as legal expert in the context of domestic and transnational litigation, and International Arbitration proceedings in the US and Latin America. He is a founding member of the Miami International Arbitration Society (MIAS), member of the Faculty Council of the International Law Section of the Florida Bar, member of the Academic Council at the Institute of Transnational Arbitration (ITA), and member of the Academic Council of the Latin American and Caribbean Center at FIU, among others.
Professor Gómez’s research has earned important awards such as the Law and Society Association’s Dissertation Prize, the Richard S. Goldsmith Award in Dispute Resolution at Stanford University, and the prize awarded by the Venezuelan Studies Section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). At FIU, Professor Gómez received the Inaugural Bhagwan Mahavir Junior Faculty Summer Fellowship in 2011, a CIBER Faculty Research Award in 2013, and was recently nominated to FIU President’s Council Worlds Ahead Faculty Award. Professor Gómez has also been appointed as a Research Fellow at the Universidad Metropolitana Law School, Faculty Fellow at FIU CIBER, and a Fellow at Stanford Law School’s Center for the Legal Profession. Leading academic publishers such as Stanford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Routledge, and Hart Publishing, have disseminated Professor Gomez’s work. Professor Gómez’s articles have appeared in leading academic journals such as the Missouri Dispute Resolution Journal, the Stanford Journal of Complex Litigation, the University of Miami Inter-American Law Review, the ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law, the Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, the University of San Francisco Law Review, the FIU Law Review, and the Revista del Instituto Mexicano de Derecho Comparado, among others.
ID | Course Name | Duración | Fecha de inicio: |
Curso E-learning | Derecho e Instituciones Jurídicas de los Estados Unidos de América | 2 meses | 2 de febrero de 2025 |